Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Gothic Architecture Style

1100-1450: Gothic

Early in the 12th century, new ways of building meant that cathedrals and other large buildings could reach soaring heights

How Gothic Architecture Began
Gothic architecture began mainly in France where builders began to adapt the earlier Romanesque style. Builders were also influenced by the pointed arches and elaborate stonework of Moorish architecture in Spain. One of the earliest Gothic buildings was the ambulatory of the abbey of St. Denis in France, built between 1140 and 1144.
Originally, Gothic architecture was known as the French Style. During the Renaissance, after the French Style had fallen out of fashion, artisans mocked it. They coined the word Gothicto suggest that French Style buildings were the crude work of German (Goth) barbarians. Although the label wasn't accurate, the name Gothic remained.

Gothic architecture has many of these features:
  • Pointed Arches. Gothic builders found that pointed arches could support more weight than perpendicular walls. With pointed arches supporting the roof, walls could be thinner.

  • Ribbed Vaulting. Instead of solid walls, builders used a series of columns that branched up into arches. With fewer solid walls, buildings appeared lighter and more delicate.

  • Flying Buttresses. Free-standing brick and stone arches helped support exterior walls, allowing them to reach greater heights.

  • Stained Glass Windows. Since the walls were no longer the only supports, Gothic buildings could include large areas of glass.
Stained Glass Window at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

  • Elaborate Sculptures. Gargoyles and other sculptures had both practical and decorative functions.

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